Keyshia Cole Is Elated to Confirm That She’s ‘Mixed Race’; Shares 21andMe Results

Keyshia Cole Is Elated to Confirm That She’s ‘Mixed Race’; Shares 21andMe Results

R&B singer Keyshia Cole is officially “mixed race,” and she’s VERY happy about it. MTO News has confirmed that yesterday Keyshia got her 23 and Me results back, and they show that she has Black, Asian and White ancestry.

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Keyshia wrote on IG:

Wow! Is all I will say. So happy I found this out. What are you guys thoughts????? So regardless of who my father is, I kno where I come from. #Gang 😎 I knew these flaps over my eyes was different… all these years I wanted to kno what I was mixed with to get to kno myself a little more.

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