What’s behind the protests in Kazakhstan? | News
Video Duration 24 minutes 20 seconds
Violent demonstrations in Kazakhstan were sparked by rising fuel prices.
A Russian-led alliance has sent troops it calls “peacekeepers” to Kazakhstan – after the president asked for help to quell mass protests across the country.
They began on January 1, after the government announced a sharp increase in fuel prices. Indignation and violence followed.
In an effort to calm the unrest, the government resigned.
The president then declared a two-week nationwide state of emergency and a shut down of the internet.
But the protests escalated into calls for a change in leadership.
So what’s next for this former Soviet republic?
Presenter: Kim Vinell
Asya Tulesova – Political activist
Bruce Pannier – Veteran journalist and correspondent at Radio Free Europe specialising in Central Asia
Viktor Olevich – Lead expert at Center for Actual Politics